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Anti-Spam Policy

  1. Anti-Spam Policy

    We are dedicated to ensuring that you do not receive any unsolicited emails or communications, except for those outlined in our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. Your details will not be shared, sold, or rented to any other companies or third parties. You have the flexibility to subscribe or unsubscribe from our monthly newsletters through your ‘Profile Details’ page.

    All members are expected to manage their accounts responsibly, refraining from spamming our partner merchants or the general public. If we receive complaints from our partner merchants regarding any members engaging in spam activities, we will promptly terminate the accounts of the individuals involved.

    Should we become aware of any member sending unsolicited emails or engaging in spam-like behavior, we will take immediate and thorough action, including an investigation that may result in the suspension or complete ban of the member from our entire network of websites.

    We take the matter seriously to ensure a spam-free experience for all our users and maintain the integrity of our platform.

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