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  • With Smart Camera, you don’t have to worry about being out of frame. Whether you’re moving around the kitchen, preparing dinner or chasing the kids through the living room, Smart Camera adjusts to follow the action. As more people enter the room, Smart Camera automatically widens to keep everyone in view, so you don’t miss a moment.
  • Easily call friends and family on Messenger – calls can be made seamlessly to and from smartphones and tablets. And you can bring up to six other people into a group call.
  • Portal+ has Alexa built in, so you can ask a question, set a timer, add items to your shopping list, control your smart home or more. Just ask.
  • With Portal+, story time will never be the same. With music, animation and augmented reality effects, Portal+ lets you become some of your children’s favorite characters as you read along to well-loved stories.
  • When you’re not in a call, Portal+ can display your Facebook photos and videos. You can also see when your closest contacts are available to connect, and get birthday reminders.

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