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  • HDR produces dazzling detailed images with accurate reproduction of light & dark shades. And allows you to experience HDR content via all sources
  • Micro Dimming analyses the TV content in hundreds of separate zones to adjust the brightness & darkness. The picture quality is significantly improved to pamper your eyes.
  • Powerful Image Processor 64-Bits chassis supports multitasking & provides immediate processing which helps thewhole system run smoothly.`
  • Dolby Digital Delivers immersive 5.1 surround sound with Dolby decoder to optimize TV’s sound quality.
  • Voice Command Enjoy the convenience to select your favourite programs or ask questions to your Lloyd TV with built-in Google Assistant.
  • Built-In Chromecast More the merrier. Watch your phone’s content with your family members on a big screen of Lloyd TVs with built-in Google Chromecast.

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